Cauliflower’s Triple Play


About His Recipe:  Chef Jeremy Fox uses vadouvan butter, which is golden in color and has a nutty flavor of browned butter. He likes to impress people by using simple vegetables. His food helped to revolutionize vegetable cuisine in America by lifting it to a fine dining level of complexity and flavor in a relaxed setting.

Recipe: Inspired by Chef Jeremy Fox United States 2007 – Signature Dish – Cauliflower in a Cast-Iron Pan

Signature Story and Recipe are located on p. 205 and p.389 in “Signature Dishes That Matter” book. 

To Serve: Layer 4 small cast iron pots or shallow casserole dishes with roasted cauliflower and Romanesco; spoon warm cauliflower sauce over each casserole; sprinkle the top with raw Romanesco crumbles; drizzle some warm curry brown butter over the top; garnish with reserved Romanesco chuck or chopped parsley leaves. Serve warm with slices of baguette on the side.

 Yield:  4 mini casseroles

pdf for Copy of Recipe – Cauliflower’s Triple Play

