Yankee Noodle Cabbage Slaw



Yankee Noodle Cabbage Slaw

About the Recipe: This is a recipe that everyone loves.  The Napa cabbage stays crispy in tangy vinegar and oil dressing, and almonds, sesame seeds and bits of pasta add a surprise crunch. If you marinate the salad, the noodles will soften slightly. For added flavor, add those juicy oranges and colorful peppers. Serve it with your favorite summer supper.

Cook’s Note:  We found that it can stay covered in the refrigerator several days.  Bonnie served oranges that added a delightful flavor and we added some chopped roasted red pepper for that extra color pop.

Inspired by:  Bonnie Clark, who served this at a gourmet dinner party, and Karen Adler and Judith Fertig’s recipe in “Red, White, and Que”

pdf for Copy of Recipe – Yankee Noodle Cabbage Slaw
