Steakhouse Steakburger



Steakhouse Steakburger
by Meathead Goldwyn



Steakhouse Steakburger

About this Recipe:  Meathead worked for a long time to perfect this burger. It’s really big, weighing in at 8 ounces, and with all the trimmings, just trying to take a bite is a challenge. Once you accomplish this, you will be treated to a slightly charred juicy burger smothered with the most flavorful secret sauce, Meathead’s Burger Glop, tangy tomatoes, sweet onions, and crunchy lettuce.  It is a real man size burger!


Steakburger Cooking in 2 Zone Process – Indirect Mode over Water Bath

Place wood chips or pellets on the coals or, if you are using gas, in a packet or aluminum pan as close to the hot burner as possible. Place the burgers on the indirect side. If you are cooking bacon to go on top, put 2 strips per burger on the grill in the indirect zone near the burgers. Close the lid and leave everything alone. Don’t peek. Cook about 10 minutes.


Steakburger Cooking in Searing Zone

Put on a heat resistant glove and push the tip of your thermometer in the side, go past the center, and slowly back it out. When the burgers are about 20°F below the temp you want, sprinkle them generously with salt, brush them with vegetable oil, and move them to the direct zone. The oil will help seal in moisture, conduct heat, and keep them from sticking. If you are on a gas grill, crank it to Warp 10. If necessary take the meat off while the hot side heats up, lid down.


Steakburger Cut in Half to Show Evenly Cooked Meat throughout 8 oz. paddy

Put the burgers on the direct side, leave the lid up so all the heat is concentrated on one side of the burger. Flip the meat over every minute for even browning. The interior will warm, but not too much. Remove the burgers when the interior reaches 5°F below the desired temp. Don’t overcook them while waiting for the second side to be perfect.

pdf for Copy of Recipe – Steakhouse Steakburger
