Frosty Banana Split Iced Cream


Uses Frozen Bananas to Make Cool Dessert

Frosty Banana Split Iced Cream

About the Recipe: Step up to a healthier dessert by using frozen bananas to make this frosty cream dessert.  Serve it in a cone or make it into a banana split sundae.  So yummy!

Recipe Inspired byThe How Not to Die Cookbook by Michael Greger, M.D.; 2017

Cook’s Note:  Whenever I have too many ripe bananas, I unpeel each one; cut them into chunks and place each banana into a small freezer bag. Then I store all of my frozen bananas in one large freezer bag. I’m always ready to prepare a quick dessert or smoothie.

pdf for Copy of Recipe – Frosty Banana Split Iced Cream


