Mexican Chocolate Sunset Sandwich Cookies



About the Recipe: Imagine yourself on a beach in Mexico, enjoying a beautiful sunset. Next to you is a refreshing cocktail and some rich chocolate cookies. The cake-like chocolate sandwich cookies are dotted with bits of dark chocolate, filled with a butter cream covered coconut, and highlighted with the flavors of tequila, orange juice, and grenadine. Topped with a light sprinkle of cocoa and garnished with a frosting flower. It’s time to dream!

Cook’s Note:  For a non-alcoholic cookie, use 5 ounces orange juice in the recipe; omit the tequila. In place of grenadine syrup, I boiled some pomegranate cranberry juice. Also, when adding coconut to the filling, it may require less coconut, depending on the coconut’s moisture and flake size.

Prepare Sandwich Cookies: To fill each cookie:  Spread a dollop of coconut frosting over flat side of one cookie; spread towards the edges; top with another cookies, pressing down lightly to distribute filling evenly. Garnish the top of each cookie with a rosette of frosting, using the reserved frosting and a pastry bag with a rosette tube. If desired, lightly sprinkle cookies with unsweetened cocoa. Place cookies in a single layer on a platter to chill in refrigerator until firm for serving.

Yield: 13 chocolate sandwich cookies

pdf for Copy of Recipe – Mexican Chocolate Sunset Sandwich Cookies
