Crispy Quick Baby Baked Apples



Crispy Quick Baby Baked Apples

About the Recipe:  It’s a baked apple and apple crisp wrapped up in one sweet treat. It doesn’t contain any refined sugar but uses natural fruits to sweeten the dessert and almond butter in place of butter. It’s filled with natural apple flavors, a touch of cinnamon. and topped with an oat-nut crisp crunch.  Serve it with dollops of your favorite chilled yogurt.

Cook’s Note:  Misfit apples are the perfect size for children or anyone who wants a smaller portion. Use smaller apples that fit into custard cups. If you can’t find organic raisins and berry dried fruit, just use raisins.  To make it even easier to make:  I mix up date sauce ahead of time and keep it in the refrigerator to use as a natural sweetener for lots of recipes.

Cook in Microwave Oven: Arrange apple cups in microwave safe baking dish. Cook on high power for 4 minutes or apples are tender.  Cool several minutes. Top each dessert with dollop of chilled yogurt.  Serves:  2

pdf for Copy of Recipe – Crispy Quick Baby Baked Apples
