Pumpkin Gnocchi with Crispy Sage Pistachio Sauce



About the Recipe:  Autumn pumpkin gnocchi combines pistachio flavored sauce with crispy sage to brighten dinner with light toasty flavor. Garnish with fresh tomato wedges, thyme sprouts, and sage leaves.

Recipe Inspired by: Dr. Koufman’s Acid Reflux Diet with vegan & gluten-free recipes.

Serve the Gnocchi and Sauce:
To serve: spoon part of the sauce over the cooked gnocchi; toss lightly. Place in serving bowl, drizzle with some sauce; serve remaining sauce on the side. Garnish the dish with seeded tomato wedges, sage leaves, and thyme sprouts.

Serves: 4

Cook’s Note:  The amount of semolina flour you use depends on the humidity and temperature of the room. If you don’t add enough flour, they will break apart when you cook them. However, remember to use a light hand when adding the flour if you want light gnocchi. The reason you don’t add all the milk to the food processor is that certain food processors will leak if you add too much liquid.

pdf for Copy of Recipe – Pumpkin Gnocchi with Crispy Sage Pistachio Sauce
