Icelandic ‘Happy Marriage’ cake (Hjónabandssæla)



About the Recipe:  The recipe is called a cake, but it really is more like a dense fruit filled bar cookie or crisp. It is very sweet so using rhubarb jam balances the flavor. We served it as a dessert with lots of sliced fresh strawberries and plain Greek yogurt. It was a delicious partner for a cup of hot coffee or tea.

The Icelandic Recipe Story: This as a not a wedding cake but a traditional dessert baked later at home. The rhubarb jam oat crusted “cake” is one of those recipes that is passed down from one family to another. It is believed that if a wife baked this for her husband, they would have a happy marriage, and the marriage, like this cake, just keeps getting batter as it ages. It sounds like a great recipe to make!

For the original recipe:  See:

pdf for Copy of Recipe – Icelandic ‘Happy Marriage’ cake (Hjónabandssæla)
