Red Cabbage with Ale



About the Recipe: Just like magic, a little vinegar turns the purple cabbage into a vibrant red. This German inspired dish adds a touch of Bohemian beer and sweet cherries, creating a sweet and tangy braised red cabbage. It is a delicious must-have side dish for any German dinner.

Cook’s Note: The taste of this German side dish is completely different from the red cabbage in a jar. You just can’t beat making it fresh. If ale is not available, you can use ginger beer or water.
Also, red cabbage has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

What is Kriek?
Kriek is a Flemish word which uses cherries — specifically, sour Morello cherries. Historically, Krieks were made in Belgium by adding whole or macerated cherries (important, though, the pits were intact) to a lambic beer base and letting the beer re-ferment on the fruit. After sitting for a few months, the beer would be blended with fresh lambic and bottled. The style falls into a category of fruited lambics that also includes Pêche (peaches) and Cassis (black currants).
Belgian breweries like Cantillon, Boon, and Drie Fonteinen have made some of the most well-regarded examples of the Kriek style.
For More Information See:

What is Lambic?
Lambic is a type of beer brewed in the Pajottenland region of Belgium southwest of Brussels. Lambic beers differs from most other beers in that it is fermented through exposure to wild yeasts and bacteria native to the Zenne valley. This process gives the beer its distinctive flavor, dry, vinous, and cidery, often with a tart aftertaste.
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About Pilsner Beer: Pilsner styles of beer originate from Bohemia in the Czech Republic and are medium to medium-full bodied that impart floral aromas and a crisp finish.
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