Spirited Butternut Squash Latin Lasagna



About the Recipe: Lasagna is a real Italian favorite, and this recipe adds a spicy hot flavor using chorizo and peppered cheese. It’s updated by using spiralized squash in place of the pasta and lots of healthy kale and colorful bell peppers. The golden color of squash blended with kale, spicy sausage, and creamy cheese bakes into a delicious layered casserole that easily cuts into serving pieces.

Cook’s Note: If you want to learn more about spiralizing, see our February 2017 program. I added a fresh Mexican salad, drizzled with a white balsamic vinegar and filled with fresh baby greens when I served this dish for dinner.

To Serve: Remove casserole from oven; let rest about 5 to 10 minutes. Garnish top of dish with cilantro sprigs and leaves and 3 or 4 whole mini red bell peppers. To serve: Cut the lasagna into serving portions.

Serves: 6

pdf for Copy of Recipe – Spirited Butternut Squash Latin Lasagna
