Bohemian Yeast Dinner Dumplings with Turkey



Bohemian Yeast Dinner Dumplings with Turkey

About the Recipe: These dumplings are very different from other types.  They are yeast raised like a yeast bread and filled with tiny holes that welcome spooned-on gravy.  They can be frozen and easily steam heated to serve with dinner.  They were a dumpling of choice for our holiday dinners.

Recipe byBohemian Home Cook and Family Recipe from Ann Holz

Cook’s Note:  You can use any desired bread for the toast but make sure to remove the crust. The bread will season the dumplings.  Also, make sure to test the liquid temperatures as hot liquids will stop the yeast from raising your dumpling

After they cool, you can freeze them or serve immediately. To reheat, slice and place in covered steamer or over boiling water; serve dumpling slices hot with warm gravy.                Makes 2 dumpling loaves or about 24 dumpling slices

pdf for Copy of Recipe – Bohemian Yeast Dinner Dumplings
